All Reading
This section contains a curated list of useful articles, investigations, books and other reading materials. The list is updated on a weekly basis and suggestions for additions are welcome.
Starting Points:
The future of Uyghur cultural — and halal — life in the Year of the Pig
Up until 2018, Lunar New Year celebrations were conspicuously absent from Uyghur society. Today, it is the largest cultural event of the year — for the wrong reasons.
“Thought Reform.” Afterlives of Chinese Communism: Political Concepts from Mao to Xi
Thought reform,' or ideological remoulding, has been and remains a key tenet of leadership in the Chinese Communist Party. The model in which 'thought errors' or 'erroneous lines' could spell political defeat or personal demise was perfected under Mao Zedong in the 1940s and it remains a political technology much valued by China's current leadership under Xi Jinping.
Religious minorities and China
The treatment of religious minorities lies behind many of the headlines from China in recent years. China’s treatment of the Falungong and its policies in Tibet receive regular comment in the West, but rarely is this commentary informed by an understanding of how China’s policies towards religious minorities as a whole have developed. This report fills that gap and provides an authoritative overview of the major world religions in a country that is as diverse as it is vast.