The extraordinary ways in which China humiliates Muslims - Bans on “abnormal” beards and even the name “Muhammad”

Chinese officials describe the far western province of Xinjiang as a “core area” in the vast swathe of territory covered by the country’s grandiose “Belt and Road Initiative” to boost economic ties with Central Asia and regions beyond. They hope that wealth generated by the scheme will help to make Xinjiang more stable—for years it has been plagued by separatist violence which China says is being fed by global jihadism. But the authorities are not waiting. In recent months they have intensified their efforts to stifle the Islamic identity of Xinjiang’s ethnic Uighurs, fearful that any public display of their religious belief could morph into militancy.


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China Bans Many Muslim Baby Names in Xinjiang - Absurd Edict Part of Growing Restrictions on Uyghurs