All Reading

This section contains a curated list of useful articles, investigations, books and other reading materials. The list is updated on a weekly basis and suggestions for additions are welcome.

Starting Points:

Eyewitness Accounts

Overview Reports

Lists / Databases of Victims

Satellite Imagery of Camps, Prisons & Cultural Destruction

Coercive Labor and Forced Displacement in Xinjiang’s Cross-Regional Labor Transfer Program
Jamestown Foundation Lina K Jamestown Foundation Lina K

Coercive Labor and Forced Displacement in Xinjiang’s Cross-Regional Labor Transfer Program

This report provides new evidence from Chinese sources that Xinjiang’s labor transfers to other regions or provinces in China meet the forced labor definition of the International Labor Organization (ILO). The report develops a process-focused evaluation model for evaluating coercion at each stage of the labor transfer program. The Nankai Report, along with other Chinese academic sources, indicates that labor transfers are not just serving economic purposes, but are implemented with the intention to forcibly displace ethnic minority populations from their heartlands, intentionally reducing their population density, and tearing apart homogeneous communities.

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Part 3: Explaining Variation in the Growth and Decline of Detention Facilities across Xinjiang
RAND Corporation Lina K RAND Corporation Lina K

Part 3: Explaining Variation in the Growth and Decline of Detention Facilities across Xinjiang

This report explores trends in the growth and decline of nighttime lighting over detention facilities across Xinjiang. It reveals evidence to suggest that long-term prisons have become a greater priority than reeducation centers, helping chart the current trajectory of China’s widespread detention of Uyghur and ethnic minority populations in the region.

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Part 2: Have Any of Xinjiang’s Detention Facilities Closed?
RAND Corporation Lina K RAND Corporation Lina K

Part 2: Have Any of Xinjiang’s Detention Facilities Closed?

This report, the second in a three-part series, employs a novel empirical approach to systematically assess the current operating status of known detention facilities in Xinjiang using nighttime lighting. This analysis provides new, empirical evidence to suggest that the overwhelming majority of detention facilities in Xinjiang remain active, operational, and in many cases, still under construction – despite Chinese claims to the contrary.

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Eurasian Crossroads: A History of Xinjiang
Columbia University Press Lina K Columbia University Press Lina K

Eurasian Crossroads: A History of Xinjiang

(Originally published November 2006, revised February 2021) Eurasian Crossroads is an essential resource for anyone seeking to learn about the complex historical context of the genocide taking place in Xinjiang today. James Millward, who is widely regarded as the leading historian of Chinese Central Asia, provides an accessible-yet-thorough examination of the various peoples and empires that have called the region home.

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China’s Brutality Cannot Be Ignored - Biden must push back against the persecution of the Uyghur minority
Persuasion Magazine Lina K Persuasion Magazine Lina K

China’s Brutality Cannot Be Ignored - Biden must push back against the persecution of the Uyghur minority

For the Biden administration to fulfill its pledge to “lead the democratic world,” it must urgently address what is among the gravest human rights crises of our times. The Chinese government’s campaign—assisted by mass surveillance using cutting-edge electronic and biological technology—is not just a horror in its own right. It serves as a cautionary tale about tech-driven and racially profiled oppression that we must stand against.

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‘It Went on For Four Hours, Just to Film a Single Video’: Uyghur Former Camp Instructor
Radio Free Asia Lina K Radio Free Asia Lina K

‘It Went on For Four Hours, Just to Film a Single Video’: Uyghur Former Camp Instructor

Qelbinur Sidik, 51, is one of the few people to relate their experiences working at a facility in the vast network of internment camps in northwest China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR). A well-respected instructor, Sidik was forced to teach the language at a men’s camp between March and September 2017, as well as at a women’s camp between September and October of that year. Sidik, who now lives in the Netherlands, estimates that the two camps held around 3,000 and 10,000 detainees, respectively.

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International Criminal Responsibility for Crimes Against Humanity and Genocide Against the Uyghur Population in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region
Essex Court Chambers Lina K Essex Court Chambers Lina K

International Criminal Responsibility for Crimes Against Humanity and Genocide Against the Uyghur Population in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region

The Essex Court Chambers was instructed by the Global Legal Action Network, the World Uyghur Congress and the Uyghur Human Rights Project to provide a written Opinion on the characterisation, under international criminal law, of acts carried out by the Chinese government in respect of the Uyghur people living in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (“XUAR”) in China. This Opinion addresses the potential substantive liability of certain individuals, under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (“Rome Statute”) and the applicability of the United Kingdom’s “Magnitsky sanctions” regime to those individuals.

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Who’s trying to weaken a US bill targeting forced labor in China?
Quartz Lina K Quartz Lina K

Who’s trying to weaken a US bill targeting forced labor in China?

A coalition of groups calling for an end to the repression of Uyghurs in China is demanding a number of prominent companies come clean about their lobbying and other actions to alter or weaken a proposed bill targeting imports made with Uyghur forced labor. Among the companies it has asked to publicly disclose their activities are Apple, Nike, Walmart, Adidas, Gap, and several others.

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Big Data Program Targets Xinjiang’s Muslims - Leaked List of Over 2,000 Detainees Demonstrates Automated Repression
Human Rights Watch Lina K Human Rights Watch Lina K

Big Data Program Targets Xinjiang’s Muslims - Leaked List of Over 2,000 Detainees Demonstrates Automated Repression

A big data program for policing in China’s Xinjiang region arbitrarily selects Turkic Muslims for possible detention, Human Rights Watch said today. A leaked list of over 2,000 detainees from Aksu prefecture provided to Human Rights Watch is further evidence of China’s use of technology in its repression of the Muslim population.

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