
This section contains a list of topics related to the persecution of Uyghurs in Xinjiang and the wider context it is taking place in. This list is updated on a regular basis.

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Lina K Lina K


What does the mass internment of Uyghurs in Xinjiang mean and how did methods used to target and detain Uyghurs evolve?

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Lina K Lina K

Re-education Camps

What is China's re-education system and its relevance to the mass internment of Uyghurs in Xinjiang's re-education camps, described by the state as “vocational training schools”, across the region?

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Lina K Lina K


What treatment and conditions are Uyghurs reported to have been subjected to inside Xinjiang's re-education camps and detention facilities?

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Lina K Lina K

Forced Labour

What is forced labour in Xinjiang's detention facilities and how is this linked to international brands and their supply chains?

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Lina K Lina K

Cultural Repression

What kinds of cultural and religious repression have Uyghurs in Xinjiang faced and how this has intensified since 2014?

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Lina K Lina K

Reproductive Restrictions

How do Chinese government policies in Xinjiang target Uyghur birth rates and what is their impact on Uyghur population growth?

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